Frequently Ask Questions

Yes, if it is not pre-paid booking, we are not able to rent the truck for you. All bookings must be booked in advance.

As per our policy, your time starts according to the package time stated.

Yes, subject to availability and if we confirmed with you through email, you can come and collect the truck. However to confirm your booking we are required to charge for your package prior to the truck collection.

  • If you cancel 48 hours before pickup - We charge $35
  • If you cancel 24 hours before pickup - We charge a full rental fee as we lose rent for other customers.

  • Sign all our paperwork preparatory to renting the truck. You will need to bring the following;
  • Full license ( class 1 or 2 depending on the truck you hire)
  • Credit card or debit card for our records - For speed camera charges which come after 14 days from rental start or toll road fees and any other parking charges.

Yes, We charge the bond upfront and this will be refunded back to you at the end of the rental. We pay back the bond to your nominated bank account. The bond fee is $350 for short-term rental.

It depends on the time you rent, if the tank is full then you return in full, if not we mark down the gage for you, and when you return to the same gage level. If you travel 20 km then you top up 20 km x the current Diesel rate from the fuel station and proof of the receipt is needed.
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